Soon-to-be-mom Naomi Davis, 34, pauses for a moment, breathing deeply as she feels her little girl move in response to Naomi’s touch. A first-time mom-to-be, Naomi and her husband Collin, 35, are in the final days of preparing for their little girl’s arrival.
Naomi and Collin banter as Collin excitedly does his “homework” in preparation for the birth.
Amidst the static of the fetal doppler, Naomi lights up as she hears her daughter’s heartbeat coming through loud, healthy and clear.
While Naomi prepares to leave to teach dance class, Collin has a list of things he feels he must do in the short amount of time they have left before the baby arrives. From installing baby gates to maintaining their home, Collin works daily to check off his baby arrival to-do list.
"Where should we hang this?" Collin asks Naomi as they try to decide the best location to place it in their daughter's room.
Competitive dance student, Chloe Temple, 15, works with Naomi at The Dance Centre to add the finishing touches to her solo.
Awaiting the doctor, Naomi places her hands over her little girl.
"I feel good, but we are getting to that time - I wouldn't be upset if she decides to arrive next week." One of the everyday activities that Naomi finds harder to do is buckling her seat belt.
"Toe heel, toe heel, toe heel - good job!" Naomi cheerfully taps her way forward, encouraging her young tap class students to toe-heel with her.
Naomi holds up one of her favorite baby onesies. "I just love this one, I can't wait for when she will be able to wear it."
Naomi and Collin talk through the day’s events in a moment of quiet solitude at home.