Lorrain Smoot talks on the phone with Robert Barker, a candidate running for a seat on the Millersburg city council. Robert called to ask why she had a sign put up for him, but also for his opponent. She told him that no matter who you support, it’s just good that people are participating.
Lorrain walks with her grandson Nic Insko across an old railroad bridge in Millersburg.
Lorrain Smoot visits Mary Lou Rankin of Millersburg on her 94th birthday. Lorrain bought her a cake and a card to celebrate the special occasion.
Lorrain Smoot in the recently renovated Mustard Seed Hill Allen House building in Millersburg. In 1920 the citizens of Millersburg purchased this building and turned it into the Millersburg military academy. In 2016, once the military academy closed, the building was renovated by Community Ventures and tuned into what it is now, an event venue.
Nic has pizza with his grandmother Lorrain after school and before soccer practice. "That’s why you hang out with my grandmother," Nic says.
Lorrain sits with Nic during his soccer practice. He had some trouble breathing after practicing some drills.
Lorrain takes a phone call outside Bourbon Christian Academy in Millersburg.
Sharon Rankin (left) with Lorrain inside Bourbon Christian Academy. Lorrain volunteers her time at the school when she is needed.
Nic gives his grandmother a look after Lorrain tells him that it is probably not the best idea to cross Hinkston Creek using the few rocks sticking out of the water.
(Left to right) Anna Insko, John Smoot, Nic and Lorrain gather together in Lorrain’s kitchen after a long day.